Based on our circuit “calendar clock with PIC 16F873A”, we have constructed a more complete calendar clock. We added an alarm and a temperature sensor.
With a simple circuit and a microcontroller pic, 16F873A model, we designed this digital voltmeter in addition to any power source.
This circuit can be set up in any computer you want to switch on/off by bringing your finger or any object close to the sensor.
This simple circuit is made in order to regulate the luminous intensity of one or several incandescent lamps, or, as we know them, light bulbs, with a potentiometer.
This led clock circuit is quite complicated to assembly, because of the great quantity of connections it has, but the result is quite visible.
This clock is for nostalgic people from “another electronic age” (without microprocessors). It’s a digital “old fashioned” clock and it’s already seen too many winters.
A very precise digital thermometer with LM35 probe (0,1 degree of freedom).
This circuit is made up of two integrated circuits: an analogue to digital converter (CA3162), and a decoder of seven segments (CA3161).
That simple power supply is based on the usual 12 volts 7812 voltage regulator.
That power supply may be configured, because depending on our voltage regulator, we’ll get more and less current at its output.
With the familiar LM338K voltage regulator and a high-powered transistor, the 2N6031, we have set up a powerful 10-amp variable power supply.