Based on the Countdown with LCD 2x16, we have made this variant of the countdown. The countdown circuit, or the backwards counting we shall describe, shows the visualisation of the backwards counting on four 7 segment displays.
On-off sequence of three relays with a push button, microcontroller PIC 12F675.
With the already known microcontroller PIC 16F873A and the integrated circuit DS1307 we have built this calendar clock.
Based on our circuit “calendar clock with PIC 16F873A”, we have constructed a more complete calendar clock. We added an alarm and a temperature sensor.
With a simple circuit and a microcontroller pic, 16F873A model, we designed this digital voltmeter in addition to any power source.
The project that we present here is a meter of volts, amps and watts, to which we have also incorporated a temperature sensor to activate a fan, or other mechanism that we want, through a relay.