The scale range for the alternating current input is 13.5 volts to 18 volts. In the output three small connectors are positioned in order to supply three different 12 volts outputs.
The voltage regulator must be set in a fin for its cooling. Finally, there are two LEDs in the circuit. The first one shows that there is tension in the power supply output, and the second one shows if the fuse has blown, as long as we keep connecting a charge in the terminals of the power supply output.
The wiring diagram.
The circuit board.
The scheme and the circuit board should be in the same folder and they should have the same name, you should only change the extension to .sch for the scheme and to .brd for the circuit board, this way both of them will be recognized and associated by Eagle.
The file to download is compressed, to extract it, you should enter a password:
If you don´t know how to make a printed circuit boards click here.